European Union contributes to mangrove reforestation with installation of plant nursery in Honduras

With the aim of contributing to the restoration and nature conservation actions in the Guaimoreto Lake Wildlife Refuge (RVSLG), the European Union donated supplies for the installation of the red mangrove plant nursery

With the aim of contributing to the restoration and nature conservation actions in the Guaimoreto Lake Wildlife Refuge (RVSLG), the European Union donated supplies for the installation of the red mangrove plant nursery managed by the Inter-institutional Committee of Trujillo and Santa Fe.

The plant nursery will be used for the growth and care of mangrove seedlings that will be planted next year in different areas of the RVSLG. In the meantime, a planting day was held in which 200 red mangroves were planted in the area.

"We wanted to set up the plant nursery in order to be able to plant seeds and plantlets that will grow for the planting we do every year. With the supplies given to us, we will be able to have a permanent structure for the maintenance of the plants", said Jose Luis Ramos, member of the Committee.

 The mangrove forest covers an area of approximately 2763.26 hectares, which represents 32% of the total area of the RVSLG. Its conservation and reforestation is of vital importance for the entire ecosystem that extends from Trujillo Bay, in Honduras, to Belize. It is worth noting that the entire area is home to important coral reefs in the region.

Inter-institutional Committee of Trujillo and Santa Fé

The Trujillo and Santa Fe Inter-institutional Committee is made up of several local organizations, including, Municipal Environmental Unit, Goal, Digipesca, Public Minister Office, Honduran Armed Forces, Coral Alliance and Fucagua. Its actions focus on nature conservation in the cities of Trujillo and Santa Fe, in the department of Colón in Honduras.