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    Stefano Gatto - Ambassador of the EU in Haiti

About the Ambassador

Stefano GATTO, current Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the European Union to the Republic of Haiti since September 1, 2022; is of Italian nationality. He has been working with the European institutions since 1993, after obtaining his degree in Political Economy and his B.A. in History.

He also holds a Masters in European Law and International Relations, respectively from the European Institute of Public Administration in Luxembourg and from the Fundacion Universitaria Ortega y Gasset, Madrid in Spain.

Mr. Gatto was, among others, Senior Inspector of Delegations (2020 – 2022); European Union Ambassador to Guatemala (2016 – 2020); Deputy Head of Delegation to Pakistan, Islamabad (2014-2016), after having represented the European Union in El Salvador (2009-2013) and prior to other posts for the EU in India, Brazil and at the headquarters of the institution in Brussels and Luxembourg.

In addition to Italian, Mr. GATTO is fluent in Spanish, French, English, Portuguese and Catalan.

He has already published four books in Italian and / or Spanish:

  1. America Latina: il decennio cruciale, Venise, 2006.
  2. Chico Rey y otras historias brasileñas, Buenos Aires, 2008
  3. Italia e Spagna: Destini Paralleli / Espana e Italia: Destinos Paralelos, 2012.
  4. Las Andanzas del Turcomano / Il Turcomanno errante, 2021, édition italienne en 2022, Siena.

Moreover, a hundred articles on economics, politics, international relations, international trade and on electoral systems in numerous journals and on the web.