The European Union for Stronger Emergency Management and Civil Protection in Georgia

EU hands over emergency equipment to the Emergency Management Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia

On 5 December, the Delegation of the European Union to Georgia officially handed over 7
high-mobility vehicles, 3 all-terrain vehicles, 3 drones, 40 sets of skis and ski equipment and
12 items of victim search equipment to the Emergency Management Service (EMS) of the
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia (MIA). The support was provided by the European
Union under its SAFE programme.

The equipment was procured by the UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS), which is one of the implementing partners of the EU SAFE. The handover ceremony was attended by the Head of Emergency Management Service, Mr. Teimuraz Mghebrishvili, Acting Head of Cooperation of the EU Delegation to Georgia, Mr. Catalin Gherman and UNOPS Georgia Country Manager, Mr. Claude-André Nadon.

Catalin Gherman, Acting Head of Cooperation, EU Delegation to Georgia: “Today, we mark another important milestone in our partnership with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia by further contributing to the institutional strengthening of the leading civil protection agency in Georgia. We hope the donated equipment and the complementary technical assistance will help EMS to improve its response to emergencies and disasters and
better protect the health and lives of people living in Georgia.”

EMS as the main coordinating body in the civil protection system ensures response to
emergencies and recovery activities in the areas affected by natural and man-made disasters
and implements national civil protection plans. It operates across the country with up to 4,000
employees working in Tbilisi and regional divisions.

Teimuraz Mghebrishvili, Head of Emergency Management Service: “I would like to express my gratitude to the European Union and UNOPS for their assistance in equipping our firefighters and rescue teams with very important equipment which will help us improve emergency rescue operations throughout Georgia and better serve our country and people.”

From next year, the European Union will additionally provide technical assistance to EMS, which will include the development of incident command systems, standard operating procedures and fire safety standards based on best European practices and bring the Service closer to the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. Advanced training and vocational education programs will further enhance the knowledge and skill set of first responders and promote the expansion of well-trained volunteer groups throughout the country.

Claude-André Nadon, Country Manager of UNOPS/Georgia: “Together with the EU,
UNOPS is dedicated to support EMS in establishing into a strong civil protection body with
high public trust and capable of mitigating, preparing and responding to different disaster
and emergency situations in the country.”

Total value of the EU support provided to EMS in the frames of the Support to Advancing
Technical Capacities for Ensuring Human Security project, implemented by UNOPS, amounts to 2,5 million USD. The Project is part of a wider EU4 Security, Accountability and Fight Against Crime in Georgia (EU SAFE) initiative that aims to contribute to the increased efficiency, effectiveness and accountability of institutions in the Georgian security sector.