The European Union and Georgia mark Europe Day

The Delegation of the European Union to Georgia marks Europe Day together with EU Member States and with the people of Georgia.

The strong relationship between the EU and Georgia is highlighted by Team Europe standing together with Georgia on Europe Day.

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In his traditional statement on Europe Day, Ambassador Carl Hartzell focuses on the shared values between the European Union and Georgia and reconfirms European solidarity not only with Georgia, but also and especially with Ukraine.

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Further activities this year are centered around a new film called “Europe and me”, directed by Giorgi Kvelidze. It highlights the shared values between the EU and Georgia and shows several human stories from Georgia’s region.

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“Europe and me” showcases the common experience and traditions that have forged the close relationship between the EU and Georgia. For this ambitious project, interesting and engaging persons from the EU’s four focal regions of Georgia: Kakheti, Imereti, Guria and Racha-Lechkhumi are the centre characters. There is diversity in the desert of Udabno with different cultures and ethnic groups living together peacefully; the breaking of stereotypes in Guria with the Lanchkhuti Football Club; protection of the environment in Imereti and collection of radios in high-mountainous Racha. We follow them in their daily lives, in their work and their relationships. The way of life, aspirations and spirit of the characters prove that people sharing European values are found in all regions of Georgia.
The online premiere of the documentary film that has been produced for 2022 Europe Day will be held on 9th May at 21:00 on the Delegation Facebook page.
For further information, please contact

About Europe Day
Europe Day is marked each year on 9th May, to commemorate the1950 Declaration of Robert Schuman, the French foreign minister at the time. He set out his idea for a new form of political cooperation in Europe, which would make war between Europe's nations unthinkable by asking them to share their coal and steel reserves. This idea was the beginning of what is now the European Union, which today unites 27 countries and 447.7million citizens for over 70 years of peace and prosperity.“Europe and me” showcases the common experience and traditions that have forged the close relationship between the EU and Georgia. For this ambitious project, interesting and engaging persons from the EU’s four focal regions of Georgia: Kakheti, Imereti, Guria and Racha-Lechkhumi are the centre characters. There is diversity in the desert of Udabno with different cultures and ethnic groups living together peacefully; the breaking of stereotypes in Guria with the Lanchkhuti Football Club; protection of the environment in Imereti and collection of radios in high-mountainous Racha. We follow them in their daily lives, in their work and their relationships. The way of life, aspirations and spirit of the characters prove that people sharing European values are found in all regions of Georgia.