Civil Society Consultations on Annual Report for Georgia

It is our pleasure to announce that the Delegation of the European Union is preparing the Annual Report 2023 on Georgia, in the framework of the Enlargement Package. This is the first report for Georgia.

For each of the criteria – political, economic criteria and European standards (chapters) – an evaluation will be made of Georgia’s progress since the adoption of the Commission Opinion on Georgia's application for membership of the European Union (adopted on 17.06.2022[1]) as well as the Analytical Report (adopted on 01.02.2023[2]). Progress will be measured in terms of concrete decisions taken, adopted legislation, measures implemented and structures currently in place and functioning.

Seen the key role of Civil Society Organisations in Georgia’s European Integration process, as well as the contribution thereto of International Organisations and development partners, we welcome your input through written contributions to feed into our analysis and in-depth assessment.

Written contributions should be sent by 14 April 2023 to the following email address: with the subject: Georgia 2023 Report - (Name of your organisation) contribution.

In addition, the EU Delegation will hold public consultations with Civil Society Organisations end February. The programme is as follows:

Monday 27 February

09:30 – 12:30

Holiday Inn, Green Room

Public Consultation I: Democracy and fundamental rights

  • Elections
  • Parliament
  • Governance – Public Administration Reform
  • Civil Society
  • Protection of fundamental rights
  • Freedom of expression and media

Tuesday 28 February

09:30 – 12:30

Holiday Inn, Ajara Room


Public Consultation II: Chapters of the EU acquis

  • Public procurement, statistics, financial control
  • Cluster 2: Internal market
  • Cluster 3: Competitiveness and inclusive growth
  • Cluster 4: The green agenda and sustainable connectivity
  • Cluster 5: Resources, agriculture and cohesion
  • Cluster 6: External relations

(Includes Agriculture, fisheries, rural development and food safety; Environment and climate change; Transport; Energy; Social policy and employment ; Education and culture; Research and innovation)

Tuesday 28 February

14:30 – 17:30

Holiday Inn, Ajara Room

Public Consultation III: Rule of Law

  • Functioning of the judiciary
  • Fight against corruption
  • Fight against organised crime
  • Cooperation in the field of drugs
  • Fight against terrorism
  • Judicial cooperation
  • Legal and irregular migration, asylum, visa policy, Schengen and external borders

If you would like to participate, please let us know by expressing your interest and indicating which session(s) you wish to attend:

For logistical reasons, participation will be limited to one person per organisation. The language used will be English, simultaneous interpretation in Georgian will be provided.

Separate consultations with International Organisations and development partners will be organised in March, for which the details will be shared at a later stage.


