Call for expression of interest – Supply of new generator


This tender is exceptionally open on equal terms to all natural and legal persons in Fiji.

The Delegation of the European Union for the Pacific office in Suva intends to launch a tender for procurement of a new generator for EU Delegation with the following minimum specifications:
a) 33 – 35 kVA, 3-phase generator with enclosure

The Contractor should be able to supply, install and commission the generator.

The indicative tender launch date is  26 June, 2023

If you are interested to participate in the procurement procedure, you may express your interest by sending an e-mail for the attention of the Head of Administration to the e-mail address mentioned below, following the instructions at the link  How to apply for an EEAS call for tenders  (Low and middle-value tenders) and stating your business name, postal address, contact person, and e-mail address.


Deadline to express your interest:  23 June, 2023