Excel your way to South Africa, exploring market opportunities


Are you an MSME producing specialty foods, homeware or other and considering South Africa as a potential market? This webinar is for you.

Understanding markets is the first step to better market access and improved commercial relationships.

This webinar will provide a general overview of the South African market opportunities, providing advice on routes to market and breaking down requirements and regulations. An expert will guide on:

  • Niche market opportunities to leverage
  • Insights on growth drivers and trends
  • How to build successful market entry strategies
  • Key operational considerations for doing business in the SA market

Join us online to improve your market knowledge and opportunities!

Register following this link: https://intracen.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3kE65qK1SRy_3A8N_ColHQ

Part of an International Trade Centre-Alliances for Action project.

In collaboration with the Government of Eswatini and the European Union.