Ex ante Indicative planning for call for tenders 2023


Indicative planning for call for tenders 2023 between € 15.000 and € 140.000

The Delegation of the European Union to Chile has the intention to launch a call for tender for the following contracts during first semester 2023.

Natural and legal persons interested in participating in this tender are invited to send their expression of interest to mailbox: delegation-chile-tender@eeas.europa.eu

The application must contain the information indicating the identification of the vendor (name, business type, business address, telephone and email) for being accepted in the vendors' list. 

I.    Services:

1.    Tender for organisation of events like European Film Festival in Chile and the Jazz Festival EU Chile.
2.    Tender for the management of Social Media for the EUChile Delegation
3.    Tender for the designing and production of visual collaterals for public diplomacy activities and communications actions.

4.     Tender for telephone subscriptions, including fixed phones and satellite phones


II.    Supplies:


1.    Tender for the production of general merchandises

2.    Tender for the supply of office materials.


The list will be updated regularly.

€ 15.000 - € 60.000