The European Union (EU) and its Member States raise strong interest from young Cambodians with the second European Higher Education Fair in Phnom Penh


Today, 13 September 2023, the European Union Delegation to Cambodia together with the Embassies of the Czechia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Sweden hosted the “European Higher Education Fair – (EHEF) for young Cambodians interested to pursue university studies in Europe and seeking scholarships.

Over 350 young Cambodians from more than 20 public and private universities and high schools turned-up at the fair. This is twice the number of last year, when the first edition of the fair was organised.

University opportunities and scholarships of both the European Union and its Members States mentioned above were presented. The representatives of the Minister of Education, Youth and Sport strongly supported the event by highlighting the importance of quality education.

“Education is one of the most powerful tools to empower people. For over 20 years, the European Union has supported the education of Cambodian pupils and students. With today’s event, the European Higher Education Fair, we show that - beyond Cambodia - there are great possibilities for young Cambodians to pursue their education in Europe. Through EU scholarships we connect people and boost the competitiveness of Cambodia and the EU alike.” - said HE Igor Driesmans, EU Ambassador-designate to Cambodia.

“Studying abroad opens your mind. Scholarships to Europe, financed by the Erasmus+ or by the very generous bilateral programmes of the European Union Member States, are great tools to support the prosperity of Cambodia under the Pentagonal Strategy.” – said HE Touch Visalsok, Secretary of State, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS). 

Erasmus+ is the flagship European Union’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport, with a global budget of EUR 26.2 billion (USD 28.1 billion) over the period of 2021-2027. Via Erasmus+ and several other local programmes, the European Union promotes the quality of higher education in Cambodia and provides the opportunities for exchange of teachers and students between Cambodia and Europe. Only in the past 3 years (2020, 2021, 2022.) over 120 Cambodian students and close to 60 teachers had the chance to study at various European universities.

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For further information, please contact Mr. Tihamer CZIKA, Head of the Political, Press and Information Section of the EU Delegation, Tel. 023 220 611 or E-mail: