Regional program for the improvement of mineral resources governance in the Great Lakes region – Support to the International Conference on the Great Lakes region (ICGLR) and its Member States


Improving mining governance in the Great Lakes region


Funded by the European Union for 7 million euros this 48-month project is implemented by the Canadian NGO IMPACT- Transforming natural resource management.

The project aims to improve mineral governance in the region while advancing security, stability, and development. It strengthens the capacity of the ICGLR and its Member States to address artisanal mineral flows and harness their potential as drivers for economic and social development, as well as stability and security.

The three main activities are:

  • Control of artisanal mineral resources: Validation and endorsement of revised RINR; Model law updated and validated; Strategy for ratification of revised RINR by Member States; Implementation Guidance for revised RINR; Sensitization on Formalization Guidance and its implementation; Analysis and training on in-region value addition; Evidence-based knowledge sharing meetings; Monitoring tools to evaluate progress and impact; Consultations, workshops and meetings.
  • Best practices for artisanal gold exports: Identification of best practices for gold export; Training on best practices for controlling gold flows; Engagement with upstream private sector actors on implementation of ASM gold strategy; Engagement with international trading hubs; Guide for supply chain actors on their role in implementing the RCM and RINR; Consultations, workshops and meetings.
  • Regional certification mechanism procedures: RCM benchmarking and plan of action; Capacity building to enhance ICGLR; Regional Database; Data security and sharing protocols; Training on data analysis and reporting; Assessment on supporting RCM conformant artisanal gold chain of custody systems; Alignment assessments; Engagement with international market actors; Consultations.

The project has adopted the approach of strengthening the capacity of the ICGLR Technical Unit on Natural Resources, which then will support the Member States rather than implementation and activities within the Member States themselves.

In summary, this European Union program aims to strengthen the legality, transparency, and sustainability of the mineral sector. In collaboration with Member States and sector stakeholders, the EU is committed to promoting best practices, enhancing capacities, raising awareness, and establishing effective procedures to ensure proper oversight of these resources. Through these ongoing efforts, the EU wants to contribute to a more responsible and sustainable future for the trade of artisanal mineral resources in the region.

Burundi, DRC, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Republic of Congo, Angola, Central African Republic, Uganda, Sudan, South Sudan
Trade and economic relations