European Union renovates the City Market in Bosanski Petrovac: Practical Implementation of Sustainability and Progress

In the heart of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the city of Bosanski Petrovac tells an inspiring story on sustainability and progress. The city market in Bosanski Petrovac recently went through an impressive makeover, thanks to the EU-funded EU4AGRI project. The makeover is beyond aesthetic; it is above all a model of sustainability and progress for the entire community.

Restored walkways and sewer pipes inside the market are one of the most visible project elements. This extensive infrastructural revitalisation not only ensured a safe and clean space for visitors, but also greatly improved the market’s energy efficiency. Also, a sand buffer layer created a firmer and more stable base of the market.

One of the most significant changes at the City Market in Bosanski Petrovac was the installation of 18 solar panels on the roof of dairy and meat products section. These solar panels not only reduce the market’s energy costs, but also promote sustainable energy and reduce the environmental footprint of the local community.

The support of the European Union included the procurement of equipment used by end beneficiaries – vendors and customers at the City Market. New refrigerated display cases and portable scales will provide better conditions for selling and buying products, making the market more attractive and functional for everyone.

The sanitary and working conditions at the market have been significantly improved, thus facilitating greater food safety for consumers, and better working conditions for vendors.

The European Union allocated BAM 41,588.00 in grants for the reconstruction of the City Market in Bosanski Petrovac. This support is a clear sign of the EU’s commitment to improving local communities and preserving the environment.

One of project beneficiaries, Amela Hadžić, expressed her satisfaction with the market’s transformation, noting: “The new city market is a real treat for all of us. We now have a clean and safe space for business, and solar panels help us save energy and money. This makeover is a step forward for our community, and we couldn’t be happier that it has become a reality.”

Investment value totals BAM 66,562.00, and its results are vital for the City of Bosanski Petrovac. The newly renovated market is not only a step forward towards better working conditions and better food safety for consumers, but also an example of how investing in energy efficiency and infrastructure can bring significant benefits to local communities.

Bosanski Petrovac can now proudly showcase its sustainable market as a model for other communities that strive for progress and environmental protection.