EU: Opening of Accession Negotiations - Video message of Head of EU Delegation to BiH and EU Special Representative in BiH, Ambassador Johann Sattler

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Dear citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina,

The Member States of the European Union have decided to give the green light for EU accession negotiations.

I am absolutely delighted for this beautiful Country, for all of you, and for me personally, this is a moment I will forever cherish.

A little over a year ago when candidate status was granted, the EU sent a clear message and opened its door wide open, demonstrating readiness for the enlargement.

Today we know that the future of BiH is within the EU.

I know it’s easy to become wary of politics in this country. Today, the EU has recognised that your institutions have delivered and have earned this milestone. This shows that compromise is possible and reforms are within reach.

What does this mean? The opening of accession negotiations is an important recognition and makes the country more appealing for investors, and deepens the bonds between you and the EU, starting with a billion euro for BiH in the Growth Plan.

So today we celebrate, tomorrow the work must continue. We now know that extra steps can be taken and difficult topics will need to open. The process of the next phase, adopting the full body of rights and obligations of EU law is intense.

Every step forward is one that will strengthen democracy, the rule of law, the business environment, the fight against corruption, the environment and so much more.

In the meantime, the EU continues to invest and assist, like no other.

Dear citizens, dear friends,

40 years ago, you managed to organise unforgettable Olympics. It demonstrated that the people of this country can succeed when there is the will to do it.

We believe in this country. We are friends, we are partners. And will be together in the European Union.

As BiH has always been in the heart of Europe!