Support to EU-Armenian / Georgian Research and Innovation Cooperation: Proposal Writing Camp and Expert Consultations to provide assistance to researchers from the public and private sectors in preparing Horizon 2020 applications


Support to EU-Armenian / Georgian Research and Innovation Cooperation: Proposal Writing Camp and Expert Consultations to provide assistance to researchers from the public and private sectors in preparing Horizon 2020 applications

In cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia as coordinator of National Contact Points for Horizon 2020, the European Commission invites researchers from the public and private sectors in Armenia and Georgia to participate in a three-day Proposal Writing Camp. With the objective to support successful participation of Armenia and Georgia in the EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020 and the European Research Area, the event will take place in Tbilisi within the premises of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia (52 Uznadze st., Tbilisi) on 18-20 November 2019.

In order to support preparations for concrete Horizon 2020 proposals, Expert Consultations for individual researchers are offered in combination with the Proposal Writing Camp.

The Proposal Writing Camp focuses on researchers and innovation performers aiming to apply to forthcoming Horizon 2020 calls. The aim of the consultations is to provide input on the way to prepare their proposals, on the way to identify suitable partners in the EU, and on how to present their expertise. Amongst other, the Proposal Writing Camp provides information about current call openings in Horizon 2020 or on practical information about how to understand a call and decode its text. Participants will be informed about important aspects of the content and structure of a proposal, as well as about criteria of evaluation and consortium building. The agenda of the event is available at the registration website

The Expert Consultations are addressed to individual researchers that are targeting a concrete call/topic of Horizon 2020 and will provide to them personalized assistance on issues such as: ‘decoding’ the call; matching between the call and the researcher’s expertise; consortium building; securing roles in the consortium; structuring the budget; etc. Following the initial meeting during the Proposal Wiring Camp, the Consultations with EU Experts will take place via Web in two rounds, based on information provided by the researchers that will be reviewed by the Experts.


  1. For the Proposal Writing Camp: Interested researchers are invited to fill-in a registration form and register via
  2. For the individual Expert Consultations: Participants will be selected based on their expertise as reported in the (common) registration form for the Proposal Writing Camp and the Expert Consultations. It is however not mandatory to attend the Camps for taking part in the Expert Consultations.


Transport for participants from Armenia:

There will be a bus service from Yerevan to Tbilisi (and back). Participants from Armenia may use this service free of charge.