Cleaning the Wellington South Coast with a little help from our friends!


#TeamEurope turned out in force to help out the Wellington South Coast Cleanup. With help from friends, family and members of the public, we cleaned up Te Raekaihau Point. We bring along our kids and explore rock pools while we cleanup.

The Wellington South Coast Cleanup is an annual grass roots activity that aims to clear the coast of rubbish to prevent it from entering our seas, help reduce the occurrence of littering, and also simply to get together as a wider community. It’s organised by the community, for the community (and planet!).

12 community groups host cleanup sites along the Wellington City South Coast. #TeamEurope’s hosts were Ghost Diving who shared with us some of the crazy items they pull out of Wellington harbour – like electric scooters.

The total weight of rubbish collected this year was 650kg. Go to Wellington South Coast Cleanup for stories & data about the this year’s haul. Not only did we have more people this year, but we think we found more rubbish, too.


#EUBeachCleanup New Zealand


#EUBeachCleanup New Zealand


#EUBeachCleanup New Zealand