Decisions of the Independent Qualification Commission: 720 in total, out of which

245 dismissals; Following decisions of the Special Appeal Chamber, 11 dismissal decisions of the IQC were modified into confirmations, 1 dismissal decision was modified into suspension from office and 1 such decision was modified into termination due to other reasons.

310 confirmations in duty; Following decisions of the Special Appeal Chamber, 33 of such confirmation decisions of the IQC were modified into dismissals and 1 confirmation decision was overruled into termination due to resignation.

158 decisions on termination of the vetting proceeding, out of which 109 due to resignation and 49 due to other reasons. Following decisions of the Special Appeal Chamber, 3 termination due to resignation decisions of the IQC were modified to terminations due to other reasons.

7 decisions of suspension from office. After the School of Magistrates training, 5 suspension decisions were afterwards taken by the Independent Qualification Commission on confirmation in duty and following decision of the Special Appeal Chamber, 1 of such decisions was modified into confirmation.


Appeals filed by the assessees and the Public Commissioners (PCs): 360 in total, out of which:

266 filed by assessees;

98 filed by the PCs (4 out which were also filed by the assessees);

133 of the above appeals are still pending.


Decisions of the Special Appeal Chamber (SAC): 227, out of which:

169 upholding IQC decisions;

58 deciding total or partial modification/overruling/termination based on Article 4.6 of the vetting law of IQC decisions, among which in particular:

on 33 occasions the SAC modified confirmation decisions of the IQC and dismissed the assessees;

on 12 occasions the SAC modified 11 dismissal decisions of the IQC and 1 suspension decision and confirmed the assessees in duty.


Final decisions (following exhaustion of national judicial remedies): 571, out of which

256 confirmations;

159 dismissals;

156 terminations (out of which 107 due to resignations).