EU and Albania finalise IPA22 and IPA23 agreements providing EUR 162.6 million of EU assistance to Albania

Today the Council of Ministers of the Government of Albania approved Financing Agreements between the European Commission and the Republic of Albania on the Annual Action Plans (AAP) for 2022 and 2023 under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) III.

The 2022 programme (IPA22) includes an EU contribution of EUR 82.6 million and covers actions in the areas of environmental protection, developing perspectives for youth, strengthening democracy, EU acquis alignment, continuing the fight against organised crime, strengthening thejudiciary as well as supporting reforms to fulfil EU standards and norms.  The 2023 programme (IPA23) will provide a further EUR 80 million to support Albanians with the socio-economic consequences of the energy crisis.  Funds from both programmes are grants that do not need to be repaid by Albania.

“The EU continues to stand strongly with the Albanian people. Very glad about today’s approval of EU funds. These funds will help cope with the energy crisis caused by the Russian aggression against Ukraine by providing energy bill subsidies for over 1 million Albanian households. They will also set up key projects in the area of justice, rule of law, youth, environment and EU approximation, which will help adopt EU standards, benefit citizens, and bring Albania further on its road to EU membership”, said EU Ambassador to Albania, Christiane Hohmann.

The IPA22 programme is composed of the following actions:

  • EU for Water (EUR 29 million): supports maintaining and improving the quality of water bodies in Albania and aligning further with the EU “environment acquis”; 
  • EU for Youth (EUR 5 million): supports the participation and empowerment of youth in the political, economic and social life of Albania;
  • EU for Democracy (EUR 5 million): will promote the inclusive participation and help increase trust of Albanian citizens in democratic institutions;  
  • European Union Integration Facility(EUR 19 million): will strengthen Albanian public administration in its preparations for EU membership through training and technical expertise;
  • EU for Law Enforcement (EUR 14.9 million): will support the rule of law through strengthening the fight against organised crime in Albania, including environmental crime and cyber illegal activities, trafficking in human beings and irregular migration;
  • International Monitoring Operation (IMO): Support to the process of temporary re-evaluation of Judges and Prosecutors in Albania - Phase III (EUR 9.7 million): strengthen the independence, transparency, efficiency, accountability and public trust in the Albanian justice system by continuing the vetting system of judges.

All actions are planned to start within the next 3 years.

The IPA23 programme will support Albanians with the socio-economic consequences of the energy crisis by funding the Government of Albania’s response to the energy crisis, which foresees:

  • Energy bill subsidies for over 1 million Albanian households;
  • Support to 168,000 small and medium enterprises in Albania to offset high energy prices.

This support is part of the EU 1 billion Western Balkans energy support package announced at the Western Balkans Summit in Tirana in 2022.

Further information on EU funded projects in Albania and EU-Albanian cooperation can be found at

Regular updates can also be found on the EU Delegation Albania’s social media channels:

