The Delegation of the European Union in Albania launches "Track the truth", initiative campaign to raise awareness about disinformation


While constantly consuming information on different platforms, finding the true version of the facts can prove to be not such an easy task. Unfortunately, sometimes quite the opposite might happen. A very well executed lie constantly repeated and offered in a comfortable way, can affect and distort our view of reality. No country is immune to disinformation.

“Track the Truth” comes as a call from the European Union Delegation in Albania, to fight together the distorted perceptions of reality. This awareness campaign dedicated to disinformation and misinformation has already started its journey on Tuesday, 31 January, with the inauguration of a unique installation in Skanderbeg Square, near the National Historical Museum. It is a graphic tunnel, covered by disinformation and seemingly provocative messages, which invites you to track the truths hidden behind each of them.

Citizens, fact-checkers and media professionals are invited to reflect on the impact of disinformation, by walking through this 9m long tunnel; coated inside with true messages, graphically distorted to resemble some of the most common lies on Covid19, war in Ukraine or climate change issues. The tunnel it is equipped with a QR code that links you to a website where the messages are debunked, thanks to verified and objective information. The same platform also offers some tips on how to spot disinformative contents.

During the launching event, the campaign was presented by the EU Ambassador to Albania, Christiane Hohmann.

“Today we launched track the truth. A communication platform to invite journalists and us information consumers to always check the facts and track the truth. The EU continues to support Albanian fact-checkers and journalists in their efforts for quality and fact based reporting. But it is also our responsibility to be conscious of what we consume and always apply our critical thinking”, declared Hohmann, while underlining the importance of public opinion awareness and media literacy.

EU Ambassador Christiane Hohmann


The ambassador further called on citizens and media professionals to be always careful while reading or sharing information, as well as in the forms they choose to interact with the media content.

The EU campaign comes in the form of an open invitation to embrace the truth, amidst the informational chaos, at a time when social media is the preferred window of information. An invitation that is expected to be extended to other communication platforms, with a special focus on the elderly and young people., is a space that all of you who are curious to know and learn more, can explore.

This campaign is part of wider efforts by the EU Delegation to Tirana to support media literacy or media transparency in Albania. The EU has supported independent fact-checking organisations, media literacy programmes in schools, as well as a study to better understand the reach of foreign-driven disinformation in Albania.