New call for projects on Business and Human Rights, and discrimination based on gender or religion


The European Union (EU) is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. Human rights and democracy are important pillars of the EU’s external action, and a number of geographic and thematic programmes contribute to supporting activities in this sector.

The European Union (EU) is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. Human rights and democracy are important pillars of the EU’s external action, and a number of geographic and thematic programmes contribute to supporting activities in this sector.

A new global call for CSO projects (total budget of EUR36 million) under the thematic programme on Human Rights and Democracy (part of NDICI/Neighbourhood, Development, and International Cooperation Instrument - Global Europe) has been announced. Deadline for applications is 31/01/2024 midday Brussels time. Information and documents pertaining to this call are available online at the following address

The present Global Call for Proposals targets:

  • “Fair, Accountable and Inclusive Trade and Business - Flagship Action on Business and Human Rights, Forced and Child Labour and Indigenous Peoples’ Rights” for Lots 1 to 3;
    • Global, regional or multi-country projects targeting high-risk sectors, value or supply chains that will contribute to the accompanying measures of the upcoming Corporate Sustainable Due Diligence Directive and Forced Labour Regulation.
    • CSOs will be better equipped to monitor, report, access remedies, partner with the private sector and/or social partners and advocate for the implementation of relevant EU and international human rights principles and legislations. Projects financed will contribute to the sustainable implementation of the Global Gateway Strategy by reinforcing relevant social and environmental standards.


  • “Global actions on human dignity, non-discrimination and inclusion” for Lots 4 to 6
    • Projects will promote equality, inclusion and respect for LGBTIQ persons at global, regional or national level and more specifically in Sub-Saharan countries where consensual same-sex sexual acts between adults in private are criminalised. Priorities will include advocacy for anti-discrimination laws, support to social inclusion and empowerment of CSOs working on LGBTIQ rights.
    • Lot 6 will promote Freedom of Religion or Belief, and prevent and combat discrimination, intolerance and violence on grounds of religion or belief through regional projects. Under this lot, intersectionality between freedom of religion or belief and gender issues is encouraged. 

Projects will be global, multi-country or regional. The lead applicants should be international organisations given the size of the grants and geographic scope, with at least one local co-applicant and mandatory financial support to local organisations.

To help applicants familiarise themselves with this call before the online submission, a virtual information session (through WebEx) will be organised on November 9th, 2023, from 13:00 until 14:30 (Brussels time). Should you be interested in this session, please send an email by November 6th, 2023, at, indicating: name, surname, nationality and email address of the persons who are going to participate as well as their organisation (max. two participants per organisation). No costs incurred by the applicants for attending this information session are reimbursable.