EU funded Global Health EDCTP3 mobilises emergency funding to tackle the Mpox outbreak in the DRC and beyond; call for proposals closing 29 May

Amid escalating cases of the Mpox epidemic in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and the serious risk for cross-border situations , Global Health European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership 3 (Global Health EDCTP3) is activating emergency funding, earmarking €5 million to bolster research and innovation.

This initiative aims to deepen our understanding of the outbreak, develop prevention and management strategies, and enhance public health responses including in regional and continental perspective. Projects focusing on vaccine and therapeutic development, surveillance strategies, rapid diagnostics, and epidemiological studies will be prioritized under this scheme. The urgency stems from the DRC Ministry of Health's declaration of a public health emergency, prompting swift action to tackle the crisis at country and regional/continental level.

The emergency call for proposals, launched on May 14 and close on May 29, emphasizes rapid research deployment. Grants will prioritize projects that commit to swift data-sharing, enabling immediate application of research findings. This initiative aligns with the Global Health EDCTP3 Work Programme 2024, which reserves funds for Public Health Emergencies. The call, published on the EDCTP website and the European Commission's Funding and Tender opportunities portal, underscores a collaborative effort to address the urgent health threat in the DRC and potentially beyond.