EU Delegation to the African Union and EU Delegation to Ethiopia hosts a reception to celebrate Europe Day in Addis Ababa

The European Union (EU) Delegation to Ethiopia and the EU Delegation to the African Union together organised a reception celebrating Europe Day, the day in 1950, the then French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman called for the joint management of coal and steel, forming the core of today’s EU.

After opening remarks by Ambassador Ronald Kobia and Ambassador Javier Nino from both Delegations, speeches were given by Ethiopian government and African Union dignitaries while the celebration was packed with EU member states generous culinary tasting, Ethiopian cultural music and Addis Ababa business and diplomatic community interaction.

In the same week – the EU delegation to the African Union celebrated Mr. Patrick Dupont, head of Political Press & Information section and Mrs Gabriela Hartig’s, Head of Administration, 20 years long, hard working and dedicated service at the EU with colleagues of the Delegation.