Dear Visitor,

It is a pleasure for me to welcome you to the website of the European Union Delegation to Afghanistan. I would like to invite you to browse through our pages and to explore EU actions, and find out more about the EU’s long-term commitment to support the people of Afghanistan on their path towards peace, security and prosperity.

Also stay informed about our day-to-day work by following me on X (formerly Twitter) @EUCdAtoAFG and the social media channels of the EU Delegation to Afghanistan.

Kind regards,

Raffaella Iodice

Chargée d’Affaires a.i.
European Union Delegation to Afghanistan

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    Chargée d’Affaires a.i. and Deputy Head of the EU Delegation

A message from Raffaella Iodice

I am Raffaella Iodice and I started as EU Chargée d’Affaires a.i. in September 2022. The Delegation is operating from Kabul and Brussels, bringing me regularly and for extended stays to Afghanistan and the region.

Before joining the EU Delegation to Afghanistan, I have been overseeing EU Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection operations in Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean and the Pacific. Prior to that, I was in charge of the EU’s International Partnerships and Development Co-operation programmes in the Middle East and the Gulf, South and Central Asia.

I feel honoured for the long-time experience living and working abroad. In particular, my exchanges with Afghan women have been very enriching. On many occasions I felt impressed by their endurance to create a positive impact for their communities in these difficult times.

Very grateful for this opportunity to represent the European Union, I am genuinely committed to work – together with my excellent and dedicated EU Delegation team – with and for the people of Afghanistan.