The Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology (MASM) has become the first Companion Standardization Body (CSB) of CEN!


In support of the economic cooperation between the EU and Mongolia and to deepen the good relations established with CEN the National Standardization Body of Mongolia, MASM, has signed in Frankfurt a CSB Agreement with CEN in the presence of Mrs Sodnomdorj YANJINSUREN, Adviser to the Deputy Prime Minister of Mongolia.

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CEN and MASM have a longstanding cooperation track record that strongly supports the EU-Mongolia trade relations and reflects Mongolia’s genuine interest in European regulatory model including its close articulation with standardization.

Early this year, in February, CEN and CENELEC had welcomed the Deputy Prime Minister of Mongolia and a high-level delegation from the Mongolian Parliamenwho learned about the EU principles on consumer protection, in view of aligning the on-going revision of the Mongolian law on consumer protection with the European one.

The signature of this CSB Agreement will pave the way for a stronger partnership between CEN and MASM. Complementing the alignment taking place within the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO), this partnership will offer additional tools to further support technical market harmonization between Mongolia and Europe. Thanks to the CSB status of MASM, Mongolian experts will have the chance to work together with their European counterparts, exchange views, influence the development of European Standards by participating in CEN Technical Committees, contribute to the removal of technical barriers to trade by adopting European Standards and achieve greater market harmonization by learning from each other, exchange best practices and work jointly on strategic areas, among other things.

From January 2017 MASM will start enjoying all the benefits the CSB status offers, continuing its successful cooperation with CEN.

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