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    Isabel Brilhante Pedrosa, Ambassador of the European Union to Cuba  Copyright: EU Delegation to Cuba

    Isabel Brilhante Pedrosa , Ambassador of the European Union to Cuba

Message from the Ambassador

Dear Friends,


I am pleased to welcome you to the website of the Delegation of the European Union to Cuba, a space where you will find information about the activities we carry out in all areas of our work in Cuba, as well as on numerous topics of interest to the European Union, in general.


I officially assumed my duties as Ambassador of the European Union on 8 September 2021 after presenting my credentials to the President of the Republic. It is a true privilege to represent the European Union in Cuba, as well as a great responsibility, as it requires promoting the European project as a unique construction in constant renewal, overcoming any introspection and looking outwards. At the same time, maintaining the conviction that it is possible to strengthen bilateral relations with Cuba within the framework of our Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement (PDCA), in order to achieve better results on all fronts.


Consequently, the commitment is to keep working hard on what constitutes the main priorities of our Delegation: to continue coordinating the implementation of the PDCA in all its dimensions, according to the established principles and objectives, and to reinforce the political dialogue on issues of mutual interest, including the human rights, unilateral coercive measures, sustainable development, non-proliferation and disarmament or the control of small arms and light weapons; to promote greater development of economic and commercial relations between Cuba and the European Union; and to contribute to the successful implementation of cooperation projects financed by the European Union in the country under the Multiannual Indicative Program, which for the period 2021-2027 focuses on the development of sustainable municipalities, economic modernization, including support for new economic actors, particularly MSMEs and the biotechnology sector.


The Delegation also aims to maintain a constructive dialogue with all sectors of Cuban society, based on the conviction that the European Union and Cuba share many challenges in today's world. It is our duty to be able to find answers that allow us to strengthen our relationships in all areas, in order to ensure greater well-being and prosperity for all our citizens.



To achieve all these objectives, we work as a true Team Europe in close coordination with the embassies of the 17 Member States of the European Union accredited and present on the island, as well as with the concurrent embassies of the remaining Member States that operate from abroad.


It is our will to continue sharing our experiences with Cuba and thus continue contributing to the country's progress. With the PDCA we have opened a new chapter in our relations. Taking advantage of all the opportunities it offers us, strengthening the bilateral ties, and extracting the full potential of this renewed relationship is part of our mission on the island. And from these pages we also wish to contribute to this laudable effort.