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    Travellers at Zagreb Airport, Croatia, 2021.

    Travellers at Zagreb Airport, Croatia, 2021.

    Copyright: European Union


Travelling in Europe is made easier with the introduction of the Schengen visa

The Schengen visa allows you to travel to 22 EU countries (Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden), plus Norway, Iceland and Switzerland.

With a Schengen visa, you may enter one country and travel freely throughout the Schengen zone. There are no internal border controls which mean that internal air, road and train travel are handled as domestic trips.

Please note that the EU Delegation does not issue visas or provide visa advice. Please contact the embassy of the country that you first wish to travel to for further information.


Austria embassy (Bangkok)

E-mail: Bangkok-ob@bmeia.gv.at
Web: www.bmeia.gv.at

Belgium embassy (Bangkok)

E-mail: bangkok@diplobel.fed.be
Web: www.diplomatie.be

Bulgaria embassy (Phnom Penh)

E-mail: bulgembpnp@online.com.kh
WEB: www.bulgaria.bg

Czech Republic embassy (Phnom Penh)

E-mail: phnompenh@embassy.mzv.cz
Web: http://www.mzv.cz

Denmark embassy (Bangkok)

E-mail: bkkamb@um.dk
Web: http://thailand.um.dk

Finland embassy (Bangkok)

E-mail: sanomat.ban@formin.fi
Web: www.finland.or.th

France embassy (Phnom Penh)

E-mail: ambafrance.phnom-penh-amba@diplomatie.gouv.fr
Web: http://www.ambafrance-kh.org

Germany embassy (Phnom Penh)

E-mail: info@phnom-penh.diplo.de
Web: www.phnom-penh.diplo.de

Greece embassy (Bangkok)

E-mail: gremb.ban@mfa.gr
Web: www.mfa.gr/bangkok

Hungary embassy (Hanoi)

E-mail: hungemb@hn.vnn.vn
Web: https://hanoi.mfa.gov.hu

Ireland embassy (Hanoi)

E-mail: irishembassyhanoi@dfanet.ie
Web: www.embassyofireland.vn

Italy embassy (Bangkok)

E-mail: ambasciata.bangkok@esteri.it
​​​​​​​Web: www.ambbangkok.esteri.it

Netherlands embassy (Bangkok)

E-mail: ban-cdp@minbuza.nl
​​​​​​​Web: www.netherlandsworldwide.nl

Poland embassy (Bangkok)

E-mail: bangkok.amb.sekretariat@msz.gov.pl
Web: www.bangkok.msz.gov.pl

Portugal embassy (Bangkok)

E-mail: ambassador@

Web: www.banguecoque.

Slovakia embassy (Bangkok)

E-mail: emb.bangkok@mzv.sk
Web: www.mzv.sk/web/bangkok-en

Spain embassy (Bangkok)

E-mail: emb.bangkok@maec.es
Web: www.exteriores.gob.es

Sweden embassy (Phnom Penh)

E-mail: ambassaden.phnom-penh@gov.se
Web: https://www.swedenabroad.se

  • Image
    The flags of the 27 Member States of the European Union and the European flag.

    The flags of the 27 Member States of the European Union and the European flag.

    Copyright: European Union

  • Image
    With support from the EU, a team of EU-Erasmus Alumni travel to Battambang province as the 1st university visit and retreat. Picture taken at the EU Delegation premises in Phnom Penh. August, 2018.

    With support from the EU, a team of EU-Erasmus Alumni travel to Battambang province as the 1st university visit and retreat. Picture taken at the EU Delegation premises in Phnom Penh. August, 2018.

    Copyright: European Union

Study programmes

Erasmus+ is the EU's umbrella programme for education, training, youth and sport, designed to be more global and more integrated than ever before through offering a wide range of opportunities for students and staff to study and train abroad.

Since 2015, more than 700 Cambodian students and scholars have received Erasmus scholarships. Their time in Europe not only helped shape their academic careers through exposure to world-class European education but also provided considerable insight into the cultural diversity of Europe.

Where can I find more information?