Burundi is one of the poorest countries in the world. Its economic and social development has been affected by the consequences of the civil unrest which ravaged the country between 1993 and 2005 and which made it a fragile state in the Great Lakes region.

Demographic Situation in the Country

It is characterized in particular by strong demographic growth (2.9%), a very high population density (~ 360 inhabit / km²) and a very low gross domestic product (GDP) per capita (US $315 per capita in 2015, according to the IMF). More than 90% of the population of Burundi depends on agriculture, which contributes 35% to the GDP and is mainly based on subsistence agriculture.

Development Cooperation

Otherwise, since April 2015, the country has been undergoing a political and security crisis that has affected its economy and undermines the progress made since 2005. While direct support to the government and to Burundian institutions was temporarily suspended in March 2016, the European Union has decided to reprogram part of its aid in favour of interventions directly benefiting populations and local civil society. It still finances the actions in progress, initiates new development operations with the communities concerned and supports those of a humanitarian and emergency nature for the fight against poverty and the maintenance of access to basic services.

National Indicative Programme 2014-2020

The National Indicative Program (NIP) 2014-2020 prepared in the context of the 11th EDF provides for an envelope of €432 million over the period and has identified among the sectors of concentration for the action of the European Union: development support rural for nutrition, health, energy and governance.