Amador Sánchez Rico, Ambassador of the European Union to Argentina.

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    Amador Sánchez Rico, ambassador of Argentina

    Ambassador Amador Sánchez Rico

Message from the Ambassador

Consider this website of the Delegation of the European Union to Argentina as the threshold of a house of friends. Crossing it, you will find the answer to why Europeans and Argentines share this friendship. Entering through this door you will be able to navigate through the different aspects of our alliance, finding also clear evidence of its solidity.

You will see that Europeans and Argentines are not just good business partners, but friends who share the same values, objectives, cultural heritage and philosophy of life. You will find accurate and up-to-date information on everything we do together - from the bilateral agreements that define the institutional framework of our ties, to the numerous economic, technical, scientific, social, educational and other cooperation projects - and what enriches our relationship. Within this wide range of activities, you will find news from the Delegation and the scope of its activities.

Through the various links, we offer you the possibility to get to know us better - this increasingly united Europe, which represents a great enterprise of peace and sustainable development in today's world. You will find easy-to-follow paths to the key issues that are being discussed in the European Union and that can be useful for our friends and partners who pursue the same goals as we do, in search of a better world, with peace, stability and sustainable development.

Make a "click" and enter.

Welcome to the House of the European Union in Argentina!

Amador Sánchez Rico, Ambassador.