Aid Diversion in Syria: Continued Challenges and Policy Solutions


Organisers: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and The Observatory of Political and Economic Networks

At this panel discussion, we will launch a report assessing aid diversion in Syria over 2021 and 2022. The report utilises procurement data and a dataset leaked to OPEN, highlighting some of the UN’s partnerships with local NGOs in regime-held Syria. The research unveils new grave concerns over the UN’s funding of potential human rights violators and the diversion of aid to the Assad regime. The report’s authors will present their policy recommendations to donor states and the UN, covering other pertinent issues in the Syria humanitarian response, such as the Early Recovery Trust Fund and the Risk Management Unit. The panel will start with a presentation from the authors, followed by discussions with two external experts and Q&A. You can join in person and via Zoom.

Panellists: Dr. Karam Shaar, Noha al-Kamcha, Emma Beals, and Dr. Eyad Hamid.

Moderator: Ibrahim Kadi

12:00 pm - 03:00 pm
Bedford Hotel