Virtual Workshop Series: Implementing the AU-EU Innovation Agenda Access to Finance

Building on the AU-EU Innovation Festival of June 2023 the AU-EU Innovation Agenda Stakeholder Event of November 2022 and the first AU-EU Innovation Agenda Workshops on IPR´s in November 2023, this virtual workshop is the second in a series dedicated to implement the short-term actions of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda.

The aim of this series of virtual workshops is to provide practical opportunities for training, growth, networking and collaboration for AU-EU innovators and the wider stakeholder community involved in the implementation of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda.

This second edition will focus on access to finance for innovation.

The event will feature plenary and interactive sessions, networking breaks, a training module on financial literacy and funding strategies, and a virtual coffee break to discuss funding challenges and opportunities, explore potential collaborations and share insights.

The event will bring together a wide range of academic experts, financial experts, innovation leaders, investors and high-level policy makers. Session recordings and other relevant resources will also be shared to enhance the practical value of the workshop.

10:00 am - 03:00 pm
Online event
How to join?

Register at the link.