Celebrating Europe Day

This year, we celebrate Europe Day with young people in Kenya with our inaugural Europe Day Kenya Football Tournament. This Op-Ed was published in Daily Nation.

The 9th of May is a special day for the European Union. On this day in 1950, Robert Schuman, at that time the French Minister for Foreign Affairs, proposed the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community. This was at a time when nations in Europe were struggling to overcome the devastating effects of World War II, which had ended just five years prior.

For Robert Schuman and the other founders of the European Union, the idea was to pool the production of steel and coal, with a view to make war between European countries, in the words of Robert Schuman, “not merely unthinkable, but materially impossible.”

Europe Day is not only a celebration of the European project. It is a reminder of our commitment to working together towards a better future for all, both within Europe and in Kenya, but also in the world. The ongoing Russian aggression against Ukraine and the conflict in the Middle East remind us every day how fragile peace and stability are and motivate us to work together for a peaceful world.

With Kenya as our valued partner, our joint Strategic Dialogue has acted as the main vehicle that drives our bilateral relationship. Through the EU’s Global Gateway, we are working on two main flagship components with Kenya: to advance digital connectivity through Human Centred Digitalisation and to move towards a sustainable Green Transition. We channel public and private investments to support Kenya in its ambitions to boost digitalisation and develop a green, sustainable economy. The Global Gateway is more than an investment in our common future, it is a game changer.

Kenya and the European Union are also engaging in strategic security and defence consultations. To this end, the European Union supported Kenya as the newest member of the Global Counter Terrorism Forum, a global platform for multi-lateral engagement to prevent and counter terrorism.

From 28-29 May 2024, senior decision makers, including Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary for Defense Duale and high-level representatives of international and regional organisation will gather in Brussels for the Schuman Forum, to discuss how the EU and its security and defence partners can deliver together on global and regional peace and security.

With Kenya, we also celebrate the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA). Both the European and Kenyan Parliaments have ratified this free trade agreement. This significant achievement will further cement Kenya’s important economic and political position within the wider East African region. The EU – Kenya EPA will boost bilateral trade in goods and investment flows, and contribute to sustainable economic growth and job creation.

There are two incredible sporting events taking place within the European Union in 2024. The UEFA European Football Championship (UEFA EURO 2024) is set to take place in Germany in June and July followed by the Paris 2024 Olympic Games in France in July and August 2024.

To mark these two amazing sporting events, for Europe Day 2024, the European Union Delegation to Kenya together with its Member States and with the support of the Counties of Marsabit, Homabay, Kilifi and Nairobi and with the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Sports and the Arts is proud to host the Europe Day Kenya Football Tournament. We celebrate this year’s Europe Day with Kenya’s young people. We want to showcase and harness the power of Kenya’s youth; they are the future of our societies.

The Europe Day Kenya Football Tournament kicked off with preliminary matches. Already, matches have been played in Marsabit, Homabay and Kilifi Counties. and the winning girls and boys teams are advancing to the finals in Nairobi on 17 May. Nairobi County playoffs will follow on 11-12 May. The tournament will conclude on 17th May at the Ulinzi Sports Complex in Nairobi. Attendance is free, so please come and join us in celebrating.

Just as sports unites us, we embrace the unifying power of football and the invaluable lessons it imparts in our youth – personal development, persistence, teamwork and discipline. These values are fundamental for both individuals and nations.

On 9th May, 74 years after the Schuman declaration, we celebrate the European Union and we celebrate our partnership with Kenya. Together we work for a more peaceful, secure and prosperous world for us all.